Board of Directors
Meet our volunteer board members!
Samuel MacDonald
Sam is an aging perpetual fledgling committed to dipping his toes into as many crafts, disciplines, and metaphysical outlooks he can while ultimately mastering nothing. From philosophy, to alternative energy, to real estate appraisal with countless hobbies sprinkled in between, Sam has always yearned for a space where disparate skills come together.
Michael Aide
Recently new to Yellowknife, Michael was born in Abuja, Nigeria, and raised across Canada in Montreal, Wainwright, Kingston and Ottawa. Driven by curiosity and a natural tinkerer, Michael has explored many hobbies —photography, textile crafts, woodworking, home improvement and refurbishing anything he can get his hands on. Michael's goal with joining the board is to help make makerspace more accessible to the community and contribute prior board experience and his expertise as a cost controller to his role as Treasurer.
Mike Auty
Bio coming soon
Tiffany Kodakin-Yakeleya
Bio Coming Soon
Carl Jr Kodakin-Yakeleya
Carl Jr. is Shutagot'ine (Mountain People) from the communities of Tulita and Délı̨nÄ™ First Nations located in the Sahtu Region. Living in many towns across the Northwest Territories and spending extended periods of time in the bush with his father and siblings he is now a father to 3 children of his own, and wants to pass on the teachings that have protected the Land for millennia. Carl Jr. has a business degree and experience in a variety of domains including not-for profits, local Indigenous politics, leadership positions and post-secondary education mentorship.